Jeri Larsen, Editor
Jeri has copyedited each and every book since the beginning of our project. I trust her eyes and brains and heart. Beyond her professional writing life, she's a mom and understand the world of littles. I'm relieved every time I send her a manuscript to edit.
Shirley Manning, Editor
“To me, the glory of life is in the details. Knowing of these wonderful children, their families, their challenges, their courage, their optimism, and their wisdom expressed in magical stories is enriching and life changing for anyone involved with RFP. I am thankful beyond words to be a part of this endeavor, even in the smallest of details.”
Anna Pocaro Photography
Nico T. Santos Photography
Austen Diamond Photography
Caputo’s Market & Deli
Carlucci’s Bakery
Edna Alba
Edna ("Chachi") translated our first book, Climbing with Tigers, into Spanish (Escalando con tigres). This title will be released Fall 2018!
Heidi McLlenad Photography
Merilee Benson
Merilee designed the look-n-feel of the artwork for one of our fun!raisers by using both inflated and deflated balloons! It echoed the vibe of the Red Fred Project perfectly.
Mirko Ilic
I call Mirko "Hawk Eye." Before I publish a new title, I have to have his eyes look over every single page because his eyes don't miss a single thing. He's just that good. When he gives me the thumbs up from NYC, the book is ready to be printed.
Operation Kids
O.K. offered to be our tax shelter as we went through the process of becoming our own 501c3. This is a big deal and we couldn't have done what we've done so far without them.
Publik Coffee
Publik Coffee is kinda like our "fancy" nest and they've gifted us their gorgeous space time and time again. We use their conference rooms for our monthly board meetings while we sip their delicious coffee.
Scott Hansen